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St Alban's Catholic High School

St Alban's
Catholic High School


Subject Vision

At St Alban’s Catholic High School Science Department our vision is to ignite our students’ interest in the world around them and all its exciting, natural phenomena.

We want to develop students’ knowledge and skills, so they can be equipped to become inquisitive learners and further understand the uses and implications of science for today and for the future with confidence. We hope to achieve this by providing them with an inclusive and exciting learning environment that goes beyond the classroom. We hope when they leave, they will be equipped to be able to think beyond the national curriculum and have the skills to flourish in their adult lives.

Key Stage 3 Curriculum Overview


Year 7

Year 8

Year 9


7B1 Cells  

7C1 Separating techniques 

 7P2 Waves

8B1 Biology under the microscope  

8C1 Metals  

8P2 Waves

CB1 Key concepts in Biology     Start

CB2 Cells and Growth  

CC1 States of matter 

CC2 Separating techniques  

CP4 Waves


7B2 Reproduction  

7C2 Atoms and the Periodic table  

7P2 Waves

8B2 Anatomy and Physiology

8C2 Energy Changes  

8P2 Waves

Continue CB2 Cells and Growth    

Start CB5 Health, Disease and the Development of Medicines  

CC3 Atomic structure  

CC4 The Periodic table   

CC5 Ionic bonding  

CP4 Waves


7B3 The Human Body  

7C3 Acids and Alkalis  

7P3 Space

8B3 Evolution and Ecology  

8C3 Rocks  

8P3 Electricity part 2

Continue CB5 Health, Disease and the Development of medicines      Core practical – Testing foods  

CC6 Covalent bonding     

CC7 Types of substances  

CP5 Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum


Key Stage 4 information

We follow the Edexcel science syllabus which is linear with final exams at the end of year 11. We begin GCSE in year 9, but all our students follow the combined science pathway. Over the course of the year, they complete three mini assessments and three spiral assessments. From looking at this data, we will invite the top 60 students to start triple science from the beginning of year 10.

Triple science:

Students who follow this pathway will have three GCSEs at the end of the course, one in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. At the end of year 11 they will sit two exams in each subject, each exam is 1 hour and 45 minutes in length. Each term they will complete a mini assessment, and a spiral assessment and performance monitored.

Combined science:

Students who follow this pathway will have two GCSEs at the end of the course. They will still be taught Biology, Chemistry and Physics. At the end of year 11 they will sit six exams, two in each subject. The exam length is 1 hour and 10 minutes. Students can be entered for either the higher tier, where they can achieve the grades 9-9 to 4-4 or the foundation tier, where they can achieve the grades 5-5 to 1-1.

Each term they will complete a mini assessment and a spiral assessment. This data will inform us on which tier they will be entered for. To be entered for higher tier, the students need to be working at a grade 5.


Key Stage 4 Curriculum Overview


Year 10 Triple

Year 10 Combined

Year 11 Triple

Year 11 Combined



SB2e The Brain

SB2f Brain and Spinal cord problems

SP2h The eye

SB5f Virus life cycle

SB5g Plant defences

SB5h Plant disease

SB5k Antibiotics

SB5l Monoclonal Antibodies

SB3 Genetics

CB3 Genetics


CB4 Natural Selection and Genetic Modification

SB9 Ecosystems and material cycles


SB8 Exchange and Transport in Animals

CB9 Ecosystems and material cycles



SC8 Acids and Alkalis

SC9 Calculations involving masses

SC11 Obtaining and using metals

SC10 Electrolytic processes

CC8 Acids and alkalis

CC9 Calculations involving masses

SC20 Fuels

SC21 Earth and Atmosphere

SC22 Hydrocarbons

SC23 Alcohols and Carboxylic acids

CC14 Rates of reaction

CC15 Heat Energy Changes in Chemical Reactions



SP4d Waves crossing boundaries

SP4e Ears and hearing

SP4f Ultrasound

SP4g Infrasound

SP5a Ray diagrams

SPb Colour

SPc Lenses

SPg Core practical – Investigating radiation

SP6 Radioactivity

CP6 Radioactivity

CP1 Motion

CP2 Motion and forces

SP10 Electricity and Circuits

SP11 Static Electricity

CP9 Electricity and Circuits

CP10 Magnetism and magnetic fields

CP11 Electromagnetic Induction




SB4 Natural Selection and Genetic Modification

SB6 Plant Structures and their Functions



CB4 Natural Selection and Genetic Modification

CB6 Plant Structures and their Functions

SB8 Exchange and Transport in Animals

SB7 Animal Coordination, control and Homeostasis

CB8 Exchange and Transport in Animals

CB7 Animal Coordination, control and Homeostasis



SC18 Rates of reaction

SC19 Heat Energy Changes in Chemical Reactions

SC12/15 Dynamic equilibria

SC13 Transition metals, Alloys and Corrosion

CC11 Obtaining and using metals

CC10 Electrolytic processes

CC12 Dynamic equilibria

SC24 Polymers

SC25 Qualitative analysis: Test for ions

SC26 Bulk and Surface Properties of Matter Including Nanoparticles

CC16 Fuels

CC17 Earth and Atmospheric Sciences



SP1 Motion

SP2 Motion and forces

SP7 Astronomy

CP2 Motion and forces

CP13 Forces and Matter

CP7 Energy – Forces doing work

CP8 Forces and their effects

SP14 Particles and density

SP15 Forces and Matter

CP12 Particle model

CP13 Forces and Matter



Complete SB6 Plant Structures and their Functions

CB9 Ecosystems and Material Cycles





SC14 Quantitative Analysis

SC16 Chemical Cells and Fuels Cells

SC17 Groups of the periodic table

SC20 Fuels

CC13 Groups of the periodic table

CC14 Rates of reaction





SP7 Astronomy

CP9 Electricity and Circuits




Where does this subject lead me?

Many students will go on to study A’ level Sciences, such as, Biology, Chemistry Physics, Maths or Computer Science. This is often a route if you're aiming for university.

Vocational qualifications, such as BTECs or Cambridge Technicals in science-related fields can be pursued if you prefer a more practical, work-related approach.


Key Stage 5 information

A level Biology:

A-Level Biology is an excellent choice if you're interested in understanding life, solving real-world problems, and preparing for a career in a science-related field. It provides both practical skills and academic knowledge, setting a strong foundation for future studies and career opportunities. To be able to study at St Alban’s Catholic High school, you will require a grade 6 in Biology or 6-6 in combined science. We follow the Edexcel Biology B specification.


Year 12 - Biology

Year 13 - Biology


    1. Chemistry for life
    2. Biological Molecules 1
    3. Biological Molecules 1
    4. Enzymes

2.1 Eukaryotic cells

2.2 Prokaryotic Cells

2.3 Eukaryotic Cell Division- Mitosis

2.4 Meiosis and sexual reproduction

6.1 Bacteria and disease

6.2 Non-bacterial pathogens

6.3 The response to infection

7.1 Using gene sequencing

10.2 The efficiency of ecosystems

10.3 Human effects on ecosystems

5.1  Cellular Respiration

5.2  Photosynthesis


3.1 Classification

3.2 Natural Selection

3.3 Biodiversity

4.1 Cell transport mechanisms

4.2 Gas exchange

4.3 Circulation

7.2  Factors affecting gene expression

7.3  Gene technology

8.1  Genetic Information

9.3  Homeostasis


4.3 Circulation

4.4 Transport in plants

6.1 Bacteria and disease

6.3 The response to infection

6.2 Non-bacterial pathogens

10.1 The nature of ecosystems

8.2  Gene Pools

Where does this subject lead me?

Further Education

A-Level Biology is essential for degrees in medicine, healthcare, environmental science, biological sciences, and many related fields. It is also useful for courses in psychology, forensics, biotechnology, and agricultural sciences. If you're considering any of these career paths or want to pursue a science degree, A-Level Biology is a strong foundation to have. Always check individual university course requirements, as some may have specific entry criteria.

Careers Information

A-Level Biology opens doors to diverse careers, especially in fields related to healthcare, research, and the environment. Some potential career paths include:

  • Medicine (Doctor, Nurse, Surgeon)
  • Healthcare Professions (Pharmacist, Physiotherapist, Biomedical Scientist)
  • Environmental Science (Conservationist, Ecologist)
  • Biotechnology & Genetics
  • Veterinary Science
  • Research & Development (Pharmaceuticals, Genetics, Agricultural Science)


A level Chemistry

Choosing A-Level Chemistry is a great decision if you are interested in pursuing a science-based career or a university degree in a related field. It provides you with valuable skills, an understanding of the world around you, and opens doors to numerous career opportunities in diverse industries. Whether you're interested in medicine, engineering, environmental science, or research, A-Level Chemistry is a solid foundation to help you reach your goals. To be able to study at St Alban’s Catholic High School, we require a grade 6 in Chemistry or 6-6 in combined science. We follow the Edexcel Chemistry specification.


Year 12 - Chemistry

Year 13 - Chemistry


Topic 1 Atomic structure and the Periodic table

Topic 5 Formulae, equations and amounts of substance

Topic 9 Kinetics

Topic 11 – Further equilibrium

Topic 12 Acid – base equilibrium

Topic 15 Transition metals

Topic 16 Further kinetics

Topic 13 Further Energetics

Topic 14 Further redox


Topic 10 Chemical equilibrium

Topic 3 Redox reactions

Topic 6 Organic Chemistry

Topic 4 Inorganic Chemistry

Topic 15 Transition metals

Topic 17.4 Arenes

Topic 17.5 Amines etc

Topic 17.6 Organic structures

Topic 17.2 Carbonyl compounds

Topic 17.3 Carboxylic acids


Topic 4 Inorganic Chemistry

Topic 7 Modern Analytical Techniques

Topic 8 Chemical energetics

Topic 17.1 Chirality

Topic 17.7 Organic analysis

Where does this subject lead me?

Further education:

A-Level Chemistry is a required or recommended subject for many science-related degrees, especially in medicine, healthcare, engineering, environmental sciences, and research fields. If you’re interested in any of these areas, A-Level Chemistry will help set the foundation for your university education and future career. Always check specific university entry requirements for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Career information:

A-Level Chemistry equips you with versatile skills that can lead to careers in a wide range of industries:

  • Medicine
  • Dentistry
  • Pharmacy
  • Veterinary Science
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Biochemistry
  • Environmental Science
  • Pharmacology
  • Materials Science


A level Physics

Choosing A-Level Physics is an excellent decision if you are interested in understanding how the universe works, solving complex problems, and pursuing a wide range of careers in science, technology, engineering, or medicine. It provides a solid foundation for further study, equips you with critical skills, and opens doors to rewarding and innovative careers. Whether you’re drawn to the mysteries of the universe or want to contribute to cutting-edge technology, A-Level Physics offers a wealth of opportunities. To be able to study at St Alban’s Catholic High School, we require a grade 6 in Physics or 6-6 in combined science. We follow the OCR Physics A specification.

Year 12:



Year 13:




Year 12 - Physics

Year 13 - Physics


Module 2 Foundations of Physics (teacher 1)

Module 3 Forces and motion (teacher 1)

Module 4 Electrons, waves and photons (teacher 2)

Module 1 Practical physics (embedded)

Module 5 Newtonian world and astrophysics (teacher 1)

Module 6 Particles and medical physics

Module 1 Practical physics (embedded)



Where does this subject lead me?

Further education:

A-Level Physics is required or strongly recommended for a wide variety of university degrees, particularly those in science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM), and some interdisciplinary fields. If you are interested in any of these areas, studying A-Level Physics will not only be beneficial but in many cases essential for progressing to university-level study and pursuing a related career. Always check the specific entry requirements for your chosen degree program, as requirements may vary by university or country.

Career information:

A background in physics opens doors to a wide variety of careers, many of which are at the forefront of technological and scientific innovation. From engineering to healthcare, space exploration, and environmental science, the ability to apply physical principles can lead to rewarding careers across diverse industries. Whether you’re interested in designing cutting-edge technologies, understanding the universe, or improving healthcare systems, physics provides the essential knowledge and skills required for numerous professions.