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St Alban's Catholic High School

St Alban's
Catholic High School

Friends of St Alban’s

We are the school's Parent Association and actively support the work of the school

We organise events aimed at raising money for the benefit of students at the school. Meetings are held termly and we are always looking for new members but if you are unable to attend meetings then you can volunteer at events on an ad hoc basis.  All profits go to help fund school projects such as equipment and reward schemes.

If you are interested in finding out more please email

The Giving Machine

Just a reminder that if you shop online, you can raise a free cash donation with every purchase if you join It’s really simple, you enter your favourite shops via TheGivingMachine and a percentage of your shopping bill is converted into a cash donation for us, at no extra cost to you. With over 2,000 stores participating including Amazon, John Lewis and Tesco taking part, you can really help make a difference.

Further details here

Forthcoming 2020 Events

Fish and Quiz Night - Friday 28th February - 7pm arrive, 7.30pm start

Last year we raised money from
- Quiz nights
- Pamper Evening
- Barclays(match giving)
- Refreshments at school events
- Secon hand uniform sales
- Bank interest
- Donations
- Giving Machine - Please register if you are not already.
- 200 Club - please click here for an application form

We have funded
- Laptop for SEN Department
- School Reward scheme pins for students
- The School House Trophy
- Attendance Record BBQ - annual event
- School PCs
- Tablet PCs for PE dept
- TV for Gaming Club
- Table tennis equipment

Thank you for supporting us.
Sharon Cullum (Chair)

2016-2017 AGM minutes.
The Financial Report will appear here
200 Club Financial Report 2016-2017


Friends of St Alban's 200 Club

The 200 Club exists as a 'Private Lottery' for the purpose of raising funds for St Alban’s Catholic High School.

  • The Friends of St Alban's shall appoint a 200 Club committee (the Committee) of no less than three persons, one of whom shall be the named promoter and duly notified to Ipswich Borough Council.
  • Each Committee member shall be notified in writing of his / her appointment and the appointment of the other two members. Any changes shall be similarly notified.
  • Membership will be open to anyone over the age of 16 who wishes to support St Alban's Catholic High School. The maximum number of subscriptions shall be determined every six months by the Committee, initially 500, and subject to ratification by the main committee of the Friends of St Alban's. There will be no restriction on the number of subscriptions that a member may take within the overall limit of the Club.
  • Each Subscription shall be £12 per year, payable by annual standing order.
  • Every member whose subscription is received shall be eligible for inclusion in the draw for that quarter.
  • A prize draw shall be held once each quarter.
  • Three prizes shall be drawn as follows:

             1st prize; £25.00

             2nd prize: £15.00

              3rd prize: £10.00

  • Prizes will be paid directly to the members holding the winning numbers. A list will be published in the School magazine "Contact".

  • If any prize-winner cannot be traced within 1 month then the prize shall be credited to the fund to be used for the next draw [i.e. as in (7) above]

  • Membership is deemed to have expired if a subscription is not paid by the end of the month in which it is due.

  • It shall be the member’s responsibility to ensure that subscriptions are paid into the appropriate Friends of St Alban's Bank Account. It shall also be the member’s responsibility to inform the 200 Club Committee of any change in personal or bank details etc, to enable correct records to be maintained.

Decisions of The Friends of St Alban's relating to the running of the 200 Club will be final.