Modern Foreign Languages
Subject Vision
In a multilingual world a modern language has enormous benefit to offer all students. They can learn to interact with people who speak other languages and can gain enormous enjoyment as a result. CILT, the National Centre for Languages initiated a report which found 700 reasons for studying languages and it is worth taking a look at the findings HERE.
Here in the MFL department we try to promote the enjoyment of languages from the Year 7 right through to the Sixth Form. Every year we are fortunate to have a Language Assistant in the department. They work on a one-to-one basis with our Sixth Form students but also with small groups or in the classroom with students lower down the school. In addition, every classroom is equipped with an interactive whiteboard or a projector and the necessary sound systems.
Key Stage 3 Curriculum Overview
Year 7 |
Year 8 |
Year 9 |
Aut.1 |
Hobbies and interests Likes, dislikes and opinions Taking about animals Talking about life at school Talking about daily life |
Talking about inclusion Talking about family types Talking about green solutions for our planet French sign language Talking about working for a better future |
My family My friends Getting married |
Aut.2 |
Talking about identity Talking about the natural world Talking about your life online Talking about hobbies and why you like them |
Talking about holiday activities at home Talking about a charity placement
Social Media Technophile? Usage of mobile phones |
Spr.1 |
Describing pictures Animals and their location Talking about personal appearance |
Talking about going out Talking about childhood Talking about cycling Francophone street artists Talking about the path to achieving dreams |
Free-time activities What do you like doing? What did you do this weekend? What do you like eating? Sports |
Spr.2 |
Talking about school Giving opinions Talking about citizenship |
Talking about old technologies Francophone influencers Discussing real life versus life online Discussing future technologies |
Customs, festivals and celebrations |
Sum.1 |
Talking about role models Saying what you and your friends are like Talking about jobs Talking about the future |
Talking about cities in francophone countries Talking about life journeys |
House and home |
Sum.2 |
Francophone countries Talking about festivals in the Francophone world Talking about what you will do in the future |
Talking about wellbeing Discussing future lifestyle changes |
Charities Volunteering Healthy diet |
Where does this subject lead me?
At KS4 French is an options subject. However, learning a language can improve your future employability. It will help to improve your cultural awareness, increase your adaptability, and make you a more confident and effective communicator.
The skills taught in MFL at Key Stage 3 are valuable for a wide range of other subjects, including:
- English
- Business
- History
- Religious Studies
Key Stage 4 Curriculum Overview
Year 10 |
Year 11 |
Aut.1 |
Identity and relationship with others |
Where people live |
Aut.2 |
Media and technology |
Travel and tourism (including places of interest) |
Spr.1 |
Free time activities |
The environment |
Spr.2 |
Customs, festivals and celebrations |
Revisit celebrity culture |
Sum.1 |
Healthy living and lifestyle |
Sum.2 |
Education and work
How is this assessed?
Students will undertake work in the skills of listening (25%), reading (25%), speaking (25%) and writing (25%) using up to date vocabulary in practical situations.
There will be an opportunity to spend some time with a Foreign Language Assistant during the year.
What can it lead to?
Advanced qualifications in modern languages are a huge plus in our increasingly international world. They are an enormously useful tool in themselves, or as add-ons to a very wide range of other subjects and open many doors to you. You will be challenged to consider issues of importance in contemporary society, while at the same time allowing you to study in some depth the culture of a French-speaking country.
As a result, the course will enhance your employment prospect, facilitate foreign travel and promote a sense of enjoyment through improving linguistic skills.
You will learn how to write essays, to hold conversations and discussions.
Key Stage 5 Curriculum Overview
Entry Requirements
A strong grade 7 in French is preferable as well as a good grade 6 in English or History.
Course overview
Students study technological and social change, looking at diversity and the benefits it brings. They will study highlights of French-speaking artistic culture, including francophone music and cinema, and learn about political engagement and who wields political power in the French-speaking world.
Students also explore the influence of the past on present-day French-speaking communities. Throughout their studies, they will learn the language in the context of French-speaking countries and the issues and influences which have shaped them. Students will study texts and film and have the opportunity to carry out independent research on an area of their choice.
Year 12 |
Year 13 |
Aut.1 |
Unit 1 – La famille en voie de changement |
Unit 1 – Les aspects positifs d’une société diverse
Aut.2 |
Unit 2 – La « cyber-société » Study of a film : « la haine » |
Unit 2 – Quelle vie pour les marginalisés? Study of a book : « un sac de billes» |
Spr.1 |
Unit 3 – Le rôle du bénévolat Study of a film : « la haine » |
Unit 3 – Comment on traite les criminels Study of a book : « un sac de billes» |
Spr.2 |
Unit 4 – Une culture fière de son patrimoine Study of a film : « la haine » |
Unit 4 – Les ados, le droit de vote et l’engagement politique Study of a book : « un sac de billes»
Sum.1 |
Unit 5 – La musique francophone contemporaine Study of a film : « la haine » |
Unit 5 – Manifestations, grèves – à qui le pouvoir? Study of a book : « un sac de billes» |
Sum.2 |
Unit 6 – Le septième art Study of a film : « la haine » |
Unit 6 – La politique et l‘immigration Study of a book : « un sac de billes» |
Where does this subject lead me?
Further Education
There will be a range of opportunities open to you, where you can continue to use and further develop your language skills. Having a language at A-level will certainly improve your employability, in particular with companies, which have international branches. There are many exciting opportunities for Modern Linguists in a range of careers, such as: advertising, computing, business, interpreting, law, translating, tourism, leisure industry, communications, media, customs and excise, teaching...
It may be an especially good investment of your time and effort—because the payoffs for being bi-lingual or multi-lingual are significant in terms of everything from pay and performance to your thinking and your relationships. In a competitive job market, it makes sense to set yourself apart—and being multi-lingual may be exactly what you need to enhance your value to your current employer or a potential employer.
Top 10 celebrities you did not know speak French
- Selection of jobs using languages
- videos of people who are working in jobs that use Languages at icould
- Graduate story : Bsc in International Management and Modern Languages
- Applying to University. UCAS
- For advice on apprenticeship courses, click here.
Careers Information
You can watch a great series of videos of young people who are working in jobs that use Languages on the BBC Bitesize website
Examples of apprenticeships that relates to languages:
Other Information
Our school trip to the French Christmas markets in Lille leave our students feeling excited about all things French! Lille is the perfect place for our students to experience the authentic and magical atmosphere of a traditional French Christmas market. There are many enchanting Christmas markets taking place throughout France, each offering a unique variety of festive music, tasty treats and lights. But the city of Lille hosts one of the most famous, with over 50 stalls selling traditional and regional crafts, cuisine and gifts.
Key Stage 3 Curriculum Overview
Year 7 |
Year 8 |
Year 9 |
Aut.1 |
Greetings - Numbers 1 - 100 - Letters - Months - Colours - Family members - Animals - Physical and personality |
Hobbies - Sports and activities - Weather - Where you go in town – places in town - Where you live – vivo en el pueblo/montana etc - Weekend plans |
The environment and where people live: Describing what the region is like where you live - Directions - Describing types of accommodation - Rooms in a house - My dream house |
Aut.2 |
Identity -Higher order numbers -Giving opinions -Christmas in the Spanish speaking world |
Where you live -Where you go in town – -vivo en el ueblo/montana etc - -Weekend plans |
The environment and where people live: Comparing rural and urban environments - Describing how areas have changed over time
- Talking about global issues (claro 2) - Solutions to global issues (claro 2) |
Spr.1 |
Mi burbuja To talk about who is in your family Saying if you have siblings Colours Pets |
Healthy living What you eat and drink - Opinions about food and drink - Healthy diet |
Social networks - Las redes sociales Discussing the internet and social media Discussing TV |
Spr.2 |
Mi burbuja continued Physical characteristics including facial features Personality traits |
Healthy living continued Body parts Health complaints and treatments - Time - Morning routines Food in the Spanish speaking world |
At home or in the cinema Watching films at home or at the cinema |
Sum.1 |
My school - School subjects -School in Spain -Describing teachers |
Travel & Tourism - holidays -Talking about transport and holiday travel - Holiday activities - Extending holiday descriptions |
Start of GCSE course |
Sum.2 |
What there is in my school School facilities Adjectives Extra-curricular activities |
Travel & Tourism - holidays Describing a past holiday - Weather in the past - Complex holiday plans - Future holiday plans |
Identity and relationships with others Talking about personality Describing people Relationships with friends Modern families |
Where does this subject lead me?
At KS4 Spanish is an options subject. However, learning a language can improve your future employability. It will help to improve your cultural awareness, increase your adaptability, and make you a more confident and effective communicator.
The skills taught in MFL at Key Stage 3 are valuable for a wide range of other subjects, including:
- English
- Business
- History
- Religious Studies
Key Stage 4 Curriculum Overview
Year 10 |
Year 11 |
Aut.1 |
Healthy living and lifestyle/ Education and work |
Media and technology |
Aut.2 |
Education and work/Culture |
The environment and where people live |
Spr.1 |
Free time activities |
The environment and where people live |
Spr.2 |
Free time activities |
Travel and tourism, including places of interest |
Sum.1 |
Customs, festivals and celebrations |
Revision and exam preparation |
Sum.2 |
Celebrity Culture |
How is this assessed?
Students will undertake work in the skills of listening (25%), reading (25%), speaking (25%) and writing (25%) using up to date vocabulary in practical situations.
There will be an opportunity to spend some time with a Foreign Language Assistant during the year.
What can it lead to?
Advanced qualifications in modern languages are a huge plus in our increasingly international world. They are an enormously useful tool in themselves, or as add-ons to a very wide range of other subjects and open many doors to you. You will be challenged to consider issues of importance in contemporary society, while at the same time allowing you to study in some depth the culture of a French-speaking country.
As a result, the course will enhance your employment prospect, facilitate foreign travel and promote a sense of enjoyment through improving linguistic skills.
You will learn how to write essays, to hold conversations and discussions.
Key Stage 5 Curriculum Overview
Entry Requirements
A strong grade 7 in Spanish is preferable as well as a good grade 6 in English or History.
Course overview
Students study technological and social change, looking at diversity and the benefits it brings. They will study highlights of Spanish-speaking artistic culture, including spanish music and cinema, and learn about political engagement and who wields political power in the Spanish-speaking world.
Students also explore the influence of the past on present-day Spanish-speaking communities. Throughout their studies, they will learn the language in the context of Spanish -speaking countries and the issues and influences which have shaped them. Students will study texts and film and have the opportunity to carry out independent research on an area of their choice.
Year 12 |
Year 13 |
Aut.1 |
Traditional and modern values |
Young people of today, citizens of tomorrow |
Aut.2 |
Traditional and modern values Gender equality Film - ‘el laberinto del fauno’/’volver’ |
Immigration Racism Young people of today, citizens of tomorrow Monarchy and dictatorships |
Spr.1 |
El ciberespacio – cyberspace The regional identity of Spain Study of the film |
Monarchs and dictatorships Racism |
Spr.2 |
Cyberspace Regional identity of Spain |
‘La convivencia’ - coexistence Popular movements Book – La casa de Bernarda Alba |
Sum.1 |
The influence of Idols Cultural Heritage |
Revision and exam preparation |
Sum.2 |
The Influence of idols Cultural heritage Independent Research Project Introduction to the book |
Where does this subject lead me?
Further Education
There will be a range of opportunities open to you, where you can continue to use and further develop your language skills. Having a language at A-level will certainly improve your employability, in particular with companies, which have international branches. There are many exciting opportunities for Modern Linguists in a range of careers, such as: advertising, computing, business, interpreting, law, translating, tourism, leisure industry, communications, media, customs and excise, teaching...
It may be an especially good investment of your time and effort—because the payoffs for being bi-lingual or multi-lingual are significant in terms of everything from pay and performance to your thinking and your relationships. In a competitive job market, it makes sense to set yourself apart—and being multi-lingual may be exactly what you need to enhance your value to your current employer or a potential employer.
Top 10 celebrities you did not know speak Spanish
- Selection of jobs using languages
- videos of people who are working in jobs that use Languages at icould
- Graduate story : Bsc in International Management and Modern Languages
- Applying to University. UCAS
- For advice on apprenticeship courses, click here.
Careers Information
You can watch a great series of videos of young people who are working in jobs that use Languages on the BBC Bitesize website
Examples of apprenticeships that relates to languages:
Other Information
Last year, the languages department took our GCSE students to Barcelona for 4 days to take part in a variety of cultural and language activities. Here they increased their awareness of the rich and vibrant Spanish culture! They enjoyed the tapas cuisine, ordered their meals in Spanish, watched a flamenco show and learnt about the history of the city. This year, our GCSE students will be going to Málaga for 5 days for a jam packed programmes of Spanish lessons and cultural activities. ¡olé!