Subject Vision
Students at St Alban’s Catholic High School will develop a passion and enthusiasm for studying History right from the start of Year 7. Every year group has the curriculum and lesson planning designed to make them want to aspire to take History at the next level, be that into GCSE, A Level or Higher Education. Students are provided with lessons that ensure they understand not simply the breadth and depth of History, but the essential skills needed to succeed in the subject. Our aim fundamentally is that History is an enjoyable subject for all students, which will equip them to be independent and critical thinkers of the future.
Our intent and implementation
- Inspire curiosity to learn and understand Britain's past and that of the wider world.
- Equip students with the historical skills to assess second order concepts, such as continuity, change, cause, consequence, significance, similarity and difference.
- Equip students with the historical skills to assess and develop interpretations of the past supported by the historical terminology to coherently express historical viewpoints.
- Implement their knowledge of the past to understand the wider world today.
Why study history?
History’s core skill is the processing of information to create sound, reasoned judgements. This skill has never been more important than today, with the information landscape changing rapidly due to the use of technology and AI. History equips you with the skills to identify misinformation and subjectiveness online or in more traditional sources of information. These skills are highly prized by higher education institutions and employers.
Key Stage 3 Curriculum
Year 7 |
Year 8 |
Year 9 |
Aut.1 |
The 1066 Norman Invasion and subsequent impact on England. |
The Transatlantic Slave Trade |
The Second World War: Depth Study |
Aut.2 |
Medieval Life and the Church 1066-1300 |
The Impact of the Industrial Revolution |
The Second World War: Depth Study |
Spr.1 |
Power in Late Medieval England (The Magna-Carta and War of the Roses) |
The British Empire |
The Cold War 1945-1990 |
Spr.2 |
The Tudor Dynasty 1400-1600 |
Social and Political Reform 1800-1918 |
History in the Modern World 1980-present |
Sum.1 |
Early Modern Life; Elizabeth and the Stuarts. |
The First World War |
Whitechapel: Environment |
Sum.2 |
The English Civil War |
Inter-war Europe. Long term causes of the Second World War |
Whitechapel: the 1888 Ripper murders |
Where does this subject lead me?
History is an option subject at GCSE. The GCSE course offers you the opportunity to explore British and global history in greater depth as well as continuing your development of key historical skills.
The skills developed throughout our Key Stage 3 (KS3) course are valuable for a wide range of other subjects including:
- Geography
- RE
- English
- Business
The History KS3 curriculum will equip you with the knowledge to understand current affairs and political issues in the news. You will be able to confidently comment and develop opinions on important issues from around the world.
The KS3 course will also develop an increased awareness of local history, allowing you to better understand the community you live in and its past. You will be encouraged to further explore any specific interests you have in local topics by visiting Suffolk Archives, Ipswich Museum and local landmarks such as Sutton Hoo.
Key Stage 4 Curriculum
Year 10 |
Year 11 |
Aut.1 |
Anglo-Saxon and Norman England (Paper 2) |
The American West (Paper 2) |
Aut.2 |
Anglo-Saxon and Norman England (Paper 2) |
The American West (Paper 2) |
Spr.1 |
Crime and Punishment (Paper 1) |
Weimar and Nazi Germany (Paper 3) |
Spr.2 |
Crime and Punishment (Paper 1) |
Weimar and Nazi Germany (Paper 3) |
Sum.1 |
Crime and Punishment (Paper 1) |
Weimar and Nazi Germany (Paper 3) |
Sum.2 |
The American West (Paper 2) |
How is the course structured?
The GCSE course is assessed through 3 written papers sat at the end of Year 11. We use the Pearson Edexcel exam board.
PAPER 1: Crime and Punishment in Britain, 1000-Present (including a Whitechapel and Jack the Ripper case study).
Understanding how the crime and punishment system has developed and changed from the Anglo-Saxon period to the modern day.
PAPER 2: Anglo-Saxon and Norman England 1060-1088
Analysing what Anglo-Saxon society was like and how this changed with the Norman invasion. Considering the impact William the Conqueror had on England.
PAPER 2: The American West 1835-1895
Understanding how and why Americans settled in the west and considering the problems faced on the journey, including the treatment of Native Americans.
PAPER 3: Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-1939
Analysing the reasons for the fall of the Weimar government and how Hitler managed to get the Nazi Party into power. This course is particularly focused on the historical interpretations of what happened.
Where does this subject lead me?
The History GCSE provides an excellent foundation for A levels in Psychology, Sociology, Politics or Law. If you want to study History at A level most providers will require a 5-6 grade at GCSE. Many post-16 apprenticeships (such as journalism) encourage applicants to have studied History.
Employers, colleges and sixth form centres will value the transferable skills you acquire from a GCSE in History regardless of whether you intend to continue studying it. They will highly regard your skills of information processing and your ability to weigh up evidence and interpretations to reach sound conclusions.
As well as general transferable skills, a history GCSE will be an important qualification if you wish to specialise in Law, Heritage, Media, Politics, Psychology or Criminology.
Key Stage 5 Curriculum
Year 12 |
Year 13 |
Aut.1 |
In search of the American Dream: the USA, c1917–96 (Paper 1) Apartheid in South Africa (Paper 2) |
The War of the Roses (Paper 3) |
Aut.2 |
In search of the American Dream: the USA, c1917–96 (Paper 1) Apartheid in South Africa (Paper 2) |
The War of the Roses (Paper 3) |
Spr.1 |
In search of the American Dream: the USA, c1917–96 (Paper 1) Apartheid in South Africa (Paper 2) |
The War of the Roses (Paper 3) |
Spr.2 |
In search of the American Dream: the USA, c1917–96 (Paper 1) Apartheid in South Africa (Paper 2) |
The War of the Roses (Paper 3) |
Sum.1 |
In search of the American Dream: the USA, c1917–96 (Paper 1) Coursework module |
Sum.2 |
Coursework module |
Entry Requirements
A pass in GCSE English and at least level 5 at GCSE history.
A-level students will continue to study from the Edexcel (Pearson) exam board which complements the skills you have been developing through GCSEs. A summary of what we cover at A level follows:
In Search of the American Dream 1917-1996 (Paper 1, 2h15m, 30% of A-Level) You will learn about the dramatic political, economic and social transformation of the USA in the twentieth century, an era that saw the USA challenged by the consequences of political, economic and social inequalities at home and of its involvement in international conflict. |
South Africa, 1948-1994: From apartheid state to ‘rainbow nation’ (Paper 2, 1h30, 20% of A-Level) You will learn about South Africa during its transition from white minority rule to the free elections of 1994, a long, and at times, dramatic process in which South Africa changed from an apartheid state into a multi-racial democracy. You will gain an in-depth understanding of the creation and consolidation of the apartheid regime by the National Party and the response and methods used by their political opponents in the struggle to overthrow apartheid, as well social, economic and cultural changes that accompanied this process. |
Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII, 1399-1509 (Paper 3, 2h15m, 30% of A-Level) You will explore the long-term causes of the Wars of the Roses by starting at Richard II’s reign. You will then develop an understanding of the conflict and politics of the battles, analysing the challenges of over-mighty subjects and under-mighty monarchs. You will finish with how Henry VII brought the conflict to an end and set up the Tudor dynasty. With an analysis of themes and source work this unit combines and develops a lot of key historical skills. You will attend a trip to London where we visit the Tower of London and Westminster Abbey to see the impact the War of the Roses had on both buildings and their history. |
Guided coursework (20% of A-Level) The purpose of the coursework is to enable students to develop skills in the analysis and evaluation of interpretations of history in a chosen question, problem or issue as part of an independently researched assignment. The focus is on understanding the nature and purpose of the work of the historian. Students will be required to form a critical view based on relevant reading on the question, problem or issue. They will also be specifically required to analyse, explain and evaluate the interpretations of three historians. The guided coursework theme is the causes of the Second World War. You will receive content and skills lessons before independently setting a title and completing research. You will attend a trip to London where we visit the Imperial War Museum and Churchill’s War Rooms. We will also visit the local archive to explore Ipswich in the build up to war. |
Where does this subject lead me?
An A level in history is an important qualification if you want to study any of the following degrees:
- History
- Law
- Politics/Political Science
- Archaeology
- International Relations
- English Literature
- Museum/heritage studies
- Education
- Journalism
- Philosophy, Politics and Economics combined (PPE)
An A level in History will equip you with highly sought and transferable skills. These include the ability to research using a wide range of methods, objectively evaluate the use of sources and develop rigorous interpretations. The need to evaluate evidence is required everywhere, from the laboratory, where statistical evidence is weighed up to support scientific conclusions, to the development of cases in a courtroom. History will also equip you with essential knowledge of our past to help you be an informed member of your community.
Further Career Advice
- Advice on history careers from the historical association: Careers with History / Historical Association
- Video interviews with people explaining how History helped them achieve their present careers: Films: Careers with history / Historical Association
- UCAS advice on studying history beyond A level History
- Advice on heritage apprenticeships from Historic England Apprenticeships in the Heritage Sector | Historic England