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St Alban's Catholic High School

St Alban's
Catholic High School

eSchools Help and Support

St Alban's Catholic High School use eSchools as a Virtual Learning Platform.  Homework, resources, timetable information and number of other tools are available to all students'.  eSchools is also available to the parents and carers of each student allowing you to see what homework has been set and a selection of other information relating to your child.

eSchools can be accessed by going to -

Parent/Carer Login
- Log in using the email address that we have registered for you against your contact record. 
- If you do not know your password please click on the 'I've forgotten my password' link from the login page.  This will send you a password to your registered email account.

Student Login
- Log in using your usual school network username and password, not your full school email address.

Parent/Carer Viewing homework

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eSchools App
A mobile app is also available to use. Once downloaded please use the following details;
Your School - st-albans-high

Username - Either your school network login details if you are a student or your full email address if you are a parent.

Password - Either your school network login details if you are a student or the password that you have set if you are a parent (see information above if you don't have this)